Procedure for All- using the new Registration System

Step 1) Online Registration
Notes: Internet Explorer 7,8,9, Safari 4,5, or Firefox 3, 3..5, 3.6 or greater are recommended.
1) Register and pay online at
* Credit / Debit / Pre-paid card preferred
Note: This year AYSO is using a new registration system and all players will need to provide proof of birth. A copy of the birth certificate or passport must be uploaded during registration.
As a completely volunteer organization, we encourage you to sign up for a volunteer position or become a patron at registration.
If you plan to volunteer as a Coach, Referee, Assistant Referee, or Team Manager, or a project volunteer please register at the same site and use the volunteer option.
For any questions related to registration, send an email to the Registrar.
Can't print your form? Make sure your pop-up blocker is OFF.
Forgot Password?: Use the forgot password feature on the website.
Any other questions, email the Regional Commissioner with a brief but detailed question.